
Meet the Team: Hayley Moseley

How are you finding working as part of The Creative Group so far?

Everyone has made me feel super welcome and I am looking forward to getting stuck in and being part of this award-winning team.

What’s your background? 

I have over 16 years of design experience, mainly as an editorial designer for The Times and The Telegraph. I studied at the University of Plymouth and I am passionate about all areas of graphic design, including illustration, photography and typography.

Tell us something random about you

I competed in a wellness body-building competition.

I am also a qualified swimming and mermaid instructor and have been spotted swimming as a mermaid in Hove.

What’s your favourite part of Graphic Design?

The variety of work that it offers is always exciting, and it allows you to constantly learn and develop your craft. 

What is your favourite quote?

When you feel like giving up on your goals, remind yourself why you are doing it, the reasons are greater than quitting.

Ross Edgley, Adventurer and Ultramarathon sea swimmer

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