
Creative Christmas Marketing Campaigns!

You can build on festive traditions established over many years with a modern twist or hook onto marketing trends. Over the years, Christmas campaigns have evolved, and we all wait for that magical sound of ‘The Holidays are Coming’ from the infamous Coca-Cola truck or the John Lewis advert that will inevitably tug on your heartstrings. 

So… what Christmas campaigns have stood out for you this year? These are a few that have caught our attention.

Have Your Elf a Merry Christmas - ASDA

You guessed it! Surely you knew this one would make the list? We are pretty sure the likes of M&S, John Lewis, Coca-Cola, Sainsbury’s and Lidl, all competing for that number-one Christmas advert this year, weren’t expecting to be snowed under by ASDA. 

Buddy the Elf lands his dream job at ASDA and takes the UK by surprise. Elf is one of the most watched Christmas films every year, and ASDA created a piece of genius work incorporating Buddy into their brand. 

It probably helped that their brand colour was almost identical, but from the TV advert to the website branding, social logo and cover banners, this campaign has set the benchmark for Christmas ads in 2023!

Buddy The Elf

The Story of Lidl Bear

We all recognise Lidl for their famous saying ‘Big on Quality, Lidl on Price’, but in December, people aren’t just shopping for a turkey and brussels sprouts; they are looking to buy the adorable Lidl bear. 

This Christmas campaign highlights the impact marketing has on people because every child in the UK is writing letters to Santa asking for a Lidl bear to be put underneath their Christmas tree. Shoppers have been pleading with Lidl to sell their bear and the matching Lidl jumper. However, Lidl hasn’t launched this campaign to increase their sales and end-of-year revenue; they launched it to help promote Lidl Bear’s Toy Bank. 

They created a mascot and launched the toy bank in every store nationwide to help encourage people to gift toys this Christmas. Lidl bear has taken over their website, implemented festive branding, created adverts, and launched social media content.

Lidl Bear

Brand Advertising on Social Media

Seasons greetings from different iconic brands! These are a few of our favourite social posts we’ve seen on LinkedIn this year from iconic brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Nike. 

Coke Zero, Anyone? 

As always, Coca-Cola is constantly pushing the boundaries with their marketing. This year they focus on the possibility that Coke Zero has zero sugar content by showcasing an 'impossible' display. 

Happy Holidays from McDonald's

As much as this one is creative, it highlights an iconic brand without really having to show the infamous Golden Arches. It might be the wrong time of the year to promote ice cream, but hey, McDonald's is a worldwide brand, so I'm sure someone went and bought an ice cream after seeing this. 

We love Santa's new look!

This one has been dug up from 1985, but it still highlights how effective marketing is. Santa Claus is coming down the chimney wearing a pair of Nike Jordans. This immediately grabs your attention!

(Credit for images -

We love seeing what companies and brands will come up with for their creative Christmas marketing campaigns, but for us, this year the winning campaign has to go to ASDA! 

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Don’t forget to get in touch with us next year if you want to outsource your marketing.

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